Politic Of Galactic
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- May 25, 2019 by JnrBrain#politic, #galactic, #politic of galactic, #strategy, #spaceAfter the 2000-year ceasefire, the Trythoon galaxy will be re-enter a dark period. The rebels who had the opportunity to fight the Empire forces against the Republic, formed a coalition against the Re... Continue reading
- May 21, 2019 by JnrBrain#politic of galactic, #galactic, #politic, #strategy2000 yıllık ateşkesin ardından Trythoon galaksisi tekrardan karanlık bir döneme girecektir. İmparatorluk güçlerinin Cumhuriyete karşı başlatmış olduğu yayılma politikasını fırsat bi... Continue reading